Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chapter 4

"Cmon'!" I Scream To Kate
"I'm Trying!
"Well, Try Harder!"
"What Is This Green Muck???"
"I Dunno, So Just RUN!"
"Okay, We're Far Enough."
"Hello" Says A Unfamiliar Person
"AH!" We All Scream.
"Wh- Who Are You?" I Stutter.
"I'm Ethan" He Says With A Silly Smile.
"Are You Going To Eat Us?" I Say.
"Yes." Says Ethan
"Just Kidding!"
"Not Funny" I Say With A Straight Face, But Still Holding Back Laughter.
"Well, Who Are You Guys?" Says Ethan.
"I'm Marko, And This Is Kate, Jack, And Jill. No Pun Intended." I Say.
"Well, Welcome To My Home." He Says Pointing To A Small Cave, Covered By Vines.
"I'm A Orphan Child Who Was Taken In By Blob.Inc, But I Hated Them And I Escaped."
"Not Much Security, Eh?" I Say.
"Actually, All Newbies Go Into Low Security Area 1, Then 2,Ect Ect.."
"Yes. I Am The Only Person To Ever Escape From Extra High Security Level 10. Kinda Helped That It Was During A Fire Drill..."
BRIIIIINGGGG!!! Goes The Break Alarm.
"Oh God, Come In QUICK!"
"I'll Explain Later!"
We Jump Into The Cave.
"Go Down This Trapdoor!!"
We Go Down The Old Iron Ladder.
Clank, Clank.
"Any Escapees?" Says A Low Voice.
"No Sir!" Says A Low, But Younger Voice.
"Back To Base." Says The Low Voise Again.
We Hear Them Walking Away.
"Who Were Those 2?"
"Well, First of All, There Was About 200 Of Them, You Just Heard 2."
"Second Of All?" I Say.
"And Second Of All, They Are Blob. Inc's Soldiers."
"Blob Incorperated Is A Company That UsesSmart Kids, Like Me And You, And Forses Them To Program Extremley Hard Software, And To Create New Products."
"The Computer."
"It Was Created By Konrad Zuse Was Just The Kid Who Created It."
"Here They  Are!" Says A Solder
"GET THE GUNS!!!" Ethan Screams.
To Be Continued...

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

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Wow Guys. Thank You All So Much For Making This Such A Popular Blog. YEAH! 200 Page Views!