Friday, February 17, 2012

chapter 1 (real) (edited)

chapter 1
The beginning
It all started on saturday. Jill, Kate, Jack, and I were slurping orange and coke flavored slushees
outside max milk. "So guys" said Jill "the blob test is coming up soon..." " hey Kate wanna be partners?" I said. "Ok" said Kate. "whats the blob test?" said Jack" Jack is a new student so he doesn’t know about the blob test. "The blob test is a test where you and 1 or 2 partners do a HUGE project." said Jill "something special happens to the people who win."
"Hey I’ve got an idea!" said Jack " lets all work together on a progect!"
"Ok" said Jill "shure" said kate
"alrightey then!" I said
"ok what should it be on?" said jack
we all stopped and stared at jack
" a science one!!!!" we all said.
"OK!" said jack.
"We’ll start tomorrow." for now lets research." "Ok" said jill. the next day we started working on the project.
What was our project on? The cure for the common cold. "Ok" said Jill, "lets try foot sweat." we put some on our cold cells (jack’s grandma is sick...) I looked at it under the microscope "nope its still alive." "DANGIT!" we all said. "Lets try...
CHEESE!" said jack. "ok" said jill
we put the cheese into the petri dish
I looked at it under the microscope
"nope" "its still living." "Darn" we all said. "Lets try cooked goose foot." "Ok" Jill said. I cut off a cube and put it in the petri dish. I looked at it under the micro scope. OH MY GAWSH!
IT WORKED! YAY! "NO WAY!" said jack "YES WAY!" we were so loud the ground the floor was literally shaking. "What’s that noise????"
Said a snuffling voice. My mom came down. "WHAT’S ALL THAT NOISE!!!!" said my mom "I’VE *COUGH* GOT *SNEEZE* THE COLD *COUGH* AND MY *COUGH* HEAD *SNEEZE* HURTS! *ACH-OO!" "Oh really?"
I said " then try this" I handed her a piece of cooked goose foot and she stuffs it in her mouth. Instantly she
feels better "wow thanks kids"my mom said " what was that?" "Cooked
goose foot." I said " eguh!" my mom said "puke aftertaste" we all laughed
"hey I’ve got an idea" I said "im going to need a 3 speed blender, some cooked goose foot, and 6 pineapples" "and some boiling water!"
"Here you go" said jack. We all stare.
"Errrr.... thanks?" I said. I plug in the blender and put in the goose foot.
I put the pineapples in the hot water for five minutes then peel them and put them in the blender. I put it on high for 5 mins, low for 3 mins, med for 2, then low for 1. "Here" I said
I hand them the medicine. "Ooh pineapple flavour... Mmm..."said jack
‘DING DONG’ "uh oh..." said jack
"I forgot... Im grounded..."
"UGH!" we all moanedthe next day at school... "ok so today’s the blob test..." Kate declared.
"We know..." we all said
We heard. "What’s that?" said jack.
"Principle Shaven" I said
"wait..." said Kate " we can cure him at the blob test!" ‘Nah" I said "let’s cure him at the blob test!" (Kate Facepalms) Later, at The Blob Test......